
Cómo Cuidar a Mi Chucho Book by Carin Syteen-UPA
This activity book is being handed out at Unidos para los Animales’ spay and neuter clinics in Guatemala and has been distributed to several animal welfare organisations in the country. The book was designed and written to be relevant to both children and adults from the target demographic with tips and practical information to educate engagingly. It takes into account the circumstances in which many people live in Guatemala with illustrations that reflect their communities and way of life. If you’d like a FREE digital copy, please contact Carin Steen or Unidos para los Animales ( 25 pages, 2023
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Books by Carin Steen
Manual on how to paint murals and picture books for children 
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Books by Carin Steen
Text books for the Maya Project by Arte Acción Copán Ruinas, exploring cultural identity and promoting conservation of Maya culture. Sponsored by InHerit, 2007-11
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Books by Carin Steen
Textbooks for the scarlet macaw conservation project Guaras en Libertad, Copán Ruinas, Honduras, in collaboration with the Copán Association and Macaw Mountain Bird Park, 2011-12
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Books by Carin Steen
Activity book for children and manual for teachers and educators with activities, games and art assignments to teach about preventive health in rural Honduras. Sponsored by World Vision, 2008
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Books by Carin Steen
Manuals for teachers and educators for the Children's Council Project in Copán Ruinas, Honduras, 2002-13
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